It has been a while since we posted to our blog, and you might be wondering ... what have we been up to?!
This post outlines progress we are making to share our reparations research with the world and contribute to change. Click on the red text below to access our resources.
In early 2023 we published the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’. You can read the Principles and accompanying documents via these links:
Project report (click on link for open access)
Executive summary (click on link for open access)
Dementia Redress Principles (click on link for open access)
Easy Read summary (click on link for open access)
In March 2023 we launched the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’ at two online events. You can watch or listen to the launches via these links:
Australian-focused launch of the Dementia Reparations Principles (click on link to access recording)
International launch of the Dementia Reparation Principles (click on link to access recording)
Since 2022 we have published journal articles about our project:
Journal article on human rights and reparations for people living with dementia (click on link for open access)
Journal article on key project findings (click on link for abstract and email linda.steele@uts.edu.au if you would like to access a copy)
We currently have other articles under development (subscribe to receive project updates on our publications)
We have been sharing the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’ and accompanying documents with politicians, government agencies, public inquiries and policymakers in Australia and overseas to advocate for introduction of reparations for harm experienced by people living with dementia in residential aged care and reform of existing justice and redress mechanisms that apply to people living with dementia in residential aged care and other contexts:
We have submitted the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’ and accompanying documents to government inquiries, including: Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, New Zealand Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry, Australian Joint Standing Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme Inquiry into Operation of the National Redress Scheme
We have submitted the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’ and accompanying documents to government policy development on dementia and aged care, including: Australian Department of Health and Aged Care’s National Dementia Action Plan, Australian Department of Health and Aged Care’s Aged Care Legislative Reform
We have reached out to all Australian Federal, State and Territory Ministers for health, aged care, and seniors, and have started meeting with staff from some Ministers’ offices
We will be meeting with the Australian aged care industry body Aged & Community Care Providers Association Ltd
We have presented to the Australian government members of the Optional Protocol on the Convention Against Torture National Preventive Mechanism
If you would like to keep updated on our ongoing research and advocacy on this topic, you can:
We encourage you to share the project resources and information with your networks in government, advocacy, aged care industry and the wider community!
We are available to meet online with interested individuals and groups to present on our research and discuss how we can work together to advance this issue. We are also keen to receive any of your suggestions of who we should contact to share the ‘Dementia Reparations Principles’ - in Australia or anywhere else in the world. Please email: linda.steele@uts.edu.au.